Over the last several years we have had puppy parents ask us about their deposits.
This is how your deposit will work:
Say you are searching for a shorkie puppy on the internet and you come to our website and find the perfect shorkie puppy for your family. You can call me or fill out our adoption form, if you call me first you will still need to fill out our adoption form.
Once we have talked and you have filled out your adoption form, we will take a $800.00 deposit from you on the puppy you want to ad to your family, as long as puppy is a good match for your family.
If for some reason we feel we can not place the puppy your have your deposit on we will then transfer your deposit to any available shorkie puppy of your choice as long as we fill it will be a good match. If we don't have a puppy available we will roll your deposit to the next litter of your choice. If you change your mind, or buy a puppy some where else you loose your deposit. Your deposit comes off the adoption fee of your puppy, so say if your puppy is 1$2000.00 If you have a 800.00 deposit your balance is 1200.00 this will be due before your puppy leaves to come home, ias it states in our contract
The regular deposit we take is different then a reservation deposit. The reservation deposit will be explained on the reservation page.